picture taker | adventure seeker | boy momma

About Morganne


About a decade ago, a wonderful man who's patience is that of a saint entered my heart. We said "I do" in 2014, and in 2020 we were finally blessed with what we strived several years for what we have now become - Mama and Dada. Whether we are camping at the lake, dipping our toes in the ocean, hiking in the mountains, or relaxing at home snuggled up on the couch, our perfect little family of three takes every opportunity we can to create an adventure all our own.

Photography has always been my life, and telling life's story through one photograph at a time is my inherent passion. However, photography was not always my sole profession. In 2011, I entered into the field of law enforcement where I spent the next 9 years serving our communities. Once I became a mother, I realized life is more about the quality in which you live it and the path you leave for your legacy. Teaching my son to grow into a humbled man while living out his life's dreams was persuasion enough for me to follow mine. So, I took the biggest leap of faith I could muster and left my Detective career investigating crimes and photographing scenes behind. With a focus to grow this lifelong hobby of photography into a full-blown and successful business; I did just that. Regrets? Absolutely positively not.